Gill Friends

Hey everyone. Can you believe it is almost the end of March, the snow is melting fast here! Spring is in the air, my son pulled out his bike and is impatiently waiting for me to make a trip to the city to get him a new skateboard. That is probably happening next weekend. I am pulling out bright vivid colours into my cardmaking, impatiently waiting for summer.

I am playing along with Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge, this weeks theme is CUTE! I don’t spend a lot of time watching youtube videos lately, and yes I know I need to film some more. That is coming I have my ducks almost in a row again, I know I say that all the time. But I did watch Jennifer McGuire’s recent video about shadow box cards, I altered it a bit to create a dome card and still have a folding card in the back. But that was the basis of the card.

I pulled out the Gill Friends set from My Favorite Things. All links to products used in this card will be at the end of the blog post. I stamped and coloured all the fish in a no lines style, then fussy cut them out.

Creating the dome aquarium panel to lay on top of the wave stenciled background. I used a little fishing line to pop some of the fish up near the front. I am thrilled with how cute this card turned out. I may have to make a few more in this style!

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoyed my little project. Now to head to the basement and do some filming!

3 thoughts on “Gill Friends

  1. Wow this is simply amazing, the colours so vibrant and no line colouring at that. Then this marvellous fish bowl. You totally aced it.

Hey! Let me know what you think, I love hearing it!